Eastern Treatment Plant

Project completion December 2017
Location Alan Bird Drive, Vic
Client John Holland
Sectors Dams and water storage

Alan Bird Drive, a crucial 1.1km thoroughfare connecting the Eastern Treatment Plant to Thompson Road in Bangholme, was in dire need of refurbishment due to its degraded state. Symal Infrastructure was enlisted to improve safety measures, ensure all-weather access, and enhance emergency vehicle mobility.

The comprehensive scope included tasks like removing and replacing pavement, constructing drainage systems, and modifying lighting infrastructure.

With Alan Bird Drive serving as a vital connection to the Eastern Treatment Plant, navigating around existing service lines while maintaining uninterrupted access was paramount. Symal tackled these challenges, employing sophisticated techniques to identify and safeguard crucial utilities during the renovation process, preventing any disruption to essential services.

The team also encountered persistent wet weather, which posed challenges, leading to a redesign of pavement layers to address subgrade issues and ensure structural integrity amidst adverse conditions.

  • Symal Infrastructure
  • | Civil construction
  • | Dams and water storage

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