Golden Plains Wind Farm Substation

Project completion December 2023
Location Rokewood, VIC
Client Consolidated Power Projects
Sectors Energy and renewables, Wind energy, Big batteries

The Golden Plains Wind Farm, a significant project set to be Australia's largest wind farm, spans 16,739 hectares around Rokewood. It aims to establish a wind energy facility with 215 turbines, each boasting a capacity of around 6MW. Once operational, the wind farm is projected to generate over 4,000 GWh of electricity annually, equivalent to powering more than 750,000 homes. Additionally, it's estimated to prevent more than 4 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions each year.

Symal was awarded three distinct project packages at the site, including earthmoving operations, execution of in-ground utilities and concrete structures, drainage installation, fencing and earth grid excavation and backfilling.

Despite the winter challenges that typically hinder construction, the team showcased adaptability by using effective subgrade treatments to counter winter's impact.

  • Symal Infrastructure
  • | Civil construction
  • | Energy and renewables
  • | Wind energy
  • | Big batteries

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