Queanbeyan Battery Energy Storage System

Project completion February 2022
Location ACT
Client Green Light Elecnor
Sectors Energy and renewables, Big batteries

The Queanbeyan Battery Storage System stands as a beacon of reliable energy storage, dedicated to empowering the local community. Symal led various crucial tasks to bring this to life, including the demolition of the existing earth grid system, extensive bulk earthworks, and piling for essential infrastructure like lighting, CCTV, and lighting towers.

Furthermore, we orchestrated the construction of a new access road to the facility and facilitated service trenching, ensuring seamless installation of electrical services. This intricate construction process demanded detailed planning and flawless execution to guarantee project success.

Navigating through challenges, safety precautions and permits for working within the electrical substation environment were rigorously adhered to. Additionally, liaising with Canberra Airport for crane and pump setup added another layer of complexity, which we adeptly managed to overcome.

  • Symal Infrastructure
  • | Civil construction
  • | Energy and renewables
  • | Big batteries

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